Thursday 21 October 2010

12 Healthy Habits to Improve Your Life Quality

The experts from give us some useful advices about how to lead a healthy life.

1.Eating breakfast every morning
Study found that the people who keep on eating breakfast will take in greater vitamins and minerals, but less fat and cholesterol. Therefore, these people often have lower incidence of suffering from obesity and diabetes. What is more, eating breakfast can help children become more alert and focused.

2.Eating fish at least twice a week
As we all know, much rich protein is contained in fish. In fact, besides that, it also play an important role in reducing the incidence of suffering from heart disease because it contain Ω-3 fatty acids.

3.Enough sleep.
Keeping enough sleep is very important for both physical and mental health. Study found that the people who are lack of sleep are likely to suffer from mental problems. What is worse, the lack of sleep may affect one's memory, learning ability logical ability, or cause traffic accidents.

4.Try to be social worker in free time.
In free time, you can go to church or join the club to do anything that you can do with other people. Doing social activities are beneficial to the physical and mental health. In addition, you can get useful information, great help and intelligence support when you are a social worker, which can bring you warm belonging feeling.

5.Physical exercise.
Doing physical exercises can control weight; maintain bone, muscle and joint healthy, lower prevalence of high blood pressure and diabetes; promote mental health;reduce the risk of death and premature death. Besides that, doing more exercises contribute a lot to help people think quickly, deal with pressure, and improve mood.

6.Pay more attention to oral hygiene
Flossing your teeth every day can prolong your life expectancy at least 6.4 years. The researchers found that the bacteria producing plaque can enter the blood which may cause the heart disease. Moreover, oral bacteria may cause stroke, diabetes, and the birth of premature infants.

7.Cultivate a hobby
Hobbies can help people lead a more healthy life, burn off calories and recover from the disease.

8.To protect the skin
The best way to protect the skin is to avoid sunlight. Experts recommend to use sunscreen, wear the hats with brim and not to take a sunbathe deliberately.

9.Drink water and eat dairy products
Drink water and milk can not only promote health, but also contribute to weight loss. Some important body organs such as heart, brain, kidney and liver need water to keep its normal operation.

10. Drink tea.
Tea can improve memory, prevent tooth decay, cancer and heart disease. In hot days, a glass of iced tea can help you refreshing.

11.Take a walk every day
Move whatever you are doing, such as call, brushing, watch the game  or talk with your friends.  Every 20 step you take will burn off 1 calories.

12.Make a plan.

Make a healthy eating plan will be very helpful to your health, because the healthy eating will never happen accidentally.

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