Tuesday 19 October 2010

8 Kinds of Food Beneficial to Men's Health

Many men suffer from cancer, cerebrovascular disease, heart disease and diabetes and other diseases that can led to their deaths. In fact, the experts from  SFYH.com said that the incidence of these  diseases can be reduced if paying more attention to the healthy foods in daily life, especially the following 12 kinds of foods:

1.Tomato-Sour tomato play important role in promoting the secretion of gastric juice and helping digest protein. In addition, rich vitamin C contained in it can combine with the cells only to create collagen which can strengthen the blood vessels.
2.Soybeans- It is well known that eating soybeans is very beneficial to women because they contain much plant hormones. In fact, it is very conducive to men, too.A  research showed that the Japanese men who often eat soybeans have lower incidence of suffering from prostate cancer than the western men. What is more, eating soybeans is very effective to improve the men's bone loss. Over the age of 60, men's bone loss will become as seriously as menopausal women's. Eating soybeans can supplement lecithin that is related to short-term memory and learning ability.

3.Pumpkin seeds-the men, who is at the age of more than 40 ,often suffering from  prostate enlargement. An American experiment found that the urinary frequency of 
these patients can be reduced effectively. Moreover, eating pumpkin seeds is very  helpful for anti-aging because they contain rich vitamin E.

4.Carrot-After B-carotene being taken in your body, it will change into vitamin A than can enhance the body's resistance, inhibit ROS leading to cell deterioration and so on. The carrots containing rich B-carotene is very popular because it can prevent cancer.

5.Seafood-Eating seafood is conductive to enhancing sexual performance. A large amount of zinc is contained in semen, the lack of zinc in body will affect the 
quantity and quality of sperm. Some seafood such as oysters, shrimp, crab are rich in zinc, so seafood is very helpful to men's health.

6.Garlic-Garlic has a strong power in sterilizing, so it can kill bacteria invading into your body. In addition, it can enhance the immune system and eliminate fatigue.The men who often eat garlic can become more strong and healthy.

7.Water-75% of the human brain is water, dehydrating will make people become tired and inflexible. Drinking two bottles of mineral water at least a day.

8.Red wine-As we all know, red wine is brewed from grapes, and the polyphenols in grape skin still retain in the liquor, which can reduce the risk of cardiovascular 
disease; What is better, red wine can improve antioxidant so that atherosclerosis can be prevented. According to recent research results, it is also very helpful to 
treat Alzheimer's disease. However, nutritionists recommend that the amount of drinking red wine should not be more than 60cc a day because it still has calories.

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