Monday 11 October 2010

Good Ways to Keep Slim

No woman don't want to make herself look very sexy and slim,  attract more attention and become spotlight wherever she is. No pain, no gain. There is something you need to keep in your mind to get the body shape you want.

1.Maintain enough sleep. You had better get up before 6:30 at morning and go to bed before 11 o'clock every day. Don't stay up even in holidays.

2.Never skip breakfast. Many girls have not developed the good habit of eating breakfast so that they will eat more during the day.

3.Don't eat snacks. Apples are best food for fat people. It is really true that an apple every day keep a doctor away, which can not only help you lost weight, prevent cancer, but play a role in oral cleaning.

4.Drink a glass of milk before going to bed and a cup of salty water when you wake up. Milk can help you go into sleep quickly and the salty water can help you clean stomach and discharge toxins.

5.Doing more exercises. Take a dance or yoga classes if you are up to it. You can also do some household chores such as mopping, washing or cooking, which can help you burn off calories and keep perfect body figure.

6.Eating frequently but smaller portions. It is a best way to limit the amount of food intake, which can help slow down the metabolic rate so that can maintain your heart,brain, lung, liver, kidney and other major organs in a relatively young state.

7.Drink much water. Drink water can not only help you lose weight but make you look more beautiful and healthy.

8.Drink black coffee. Drink black coffee is regarded as the most effective way to lose weight, so it is very popular within many white-collars.

Nothing is impossible! As long as you keep on doing according the above advices, miracle will happen on you.

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