Friday 22 October 2010

Healthy tips for Five Kinds of Sexy High Heels

Do you like wearing high heels but feeling painful on your feet or backache? The experts can teach you the healthy ways to wear high heels.

1.4-6 cm high heels

The health experts at Harvard University found that it is very conductive to loss weight to wear 4-6 cm high heels, because the high heels with the height can speed the metabolism of fat accumulated in waist and abdomen, so that make your belly look more flat and sexy. But there is a problem that wearing this kind of high heels will cause much pressure on you back.

Therefore, the experts suggest that you should sleep on a much softer mattress in order to reduce the pressure on back. In addition, when the back muscle become stiff, your hands and feet will feel very cold, too, which can cause your immunity decrease. So you had better not to wear halter in order to keep back warm.

2.6-8cm high heels

A research show that you neck's stiffness will increase 22% if you wear 6-8cm high heels for 2 hours. So the experts suggest that the women who have to work at computer not wear 6-8cm high heels, or your neck will become more tired. In addition, you should take your shoes off every 2 hours to let your feet rest for at least 15 minutes and not wear heavy necklaces when wearing this kind of shoes.

3.more than 8 cm high heels

The medical experts at Stanford University found that the women who often wear 8 cm  high heels often have nervous headache, eye pain, and higher retinal pressure. So it your really like wearing the high heels, you had better eat more green vegetables containing rich vitamin A in order to provide adequate nourishment for the retina and not wear contact lenses when wearing high heels for avoiding nervous eye pain.

4.pointed high heels

Although a pointed high heels can make you look more feminine and sexy, the healthy experts on point out that wearing pointed high heels may cause airsickness or motion sickness. You had better do "finger exercises" one or two time every day if you wear high heels more than 3 times a week, which can improve the degree of concentration of small nerve cells effectively and strengthen your balance.

5.slope high heels

Wearing slope high heels has a relatively small effect for your health, because it can keep you body balanced. However, the slope high heels are so heavy that will bring greater pressure on your feet, which can make you become fat.

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