Monday 11 October 2010

20 Golden Rules to Get Along with People

It is necessary for you to know what they really need if you want to get along well with other people. The wealth on the relationship account will increase a lot if you do according to the following rules.

1.Give more encouragements to others. Even though he achieve small successes, you must praise it. There will no life in the world without sun, and no friendship without praises. The most important point you should keep in your mind is that no any praise is superfluous.

2.Save face for others at any time. Don't let anyone feel embarrassed, despise others or exaggerate other people's mistakes.

3.Only say something good behind one's back. If you can't find anything good to say, keep silent.

4.Oberve others carefully and you will find good things that he did. By doing so, you can find reasonable reasons to praise others instead of being regarded as flattering.

5.Quote other people's noble thoughts and motives. No one don't want to be regarded as generous and selfless by others, so if you want to change someone, you had better pretend that he has owned such good quality. Only doing so will he never let you feel disappointed.

6.Try not to criticize others as much as possible. If you have to, do it indirectly. You should let him know that you are really want to help him and not criticize others in writing.

7.Be modest and prudent. If you want to make enemies, fight against others everywhere;make friends, learn to forgive.

8.Make apology at once and take responsibility for what you have done when you make mistakes.

9.Suggest more, order less. Doing so, you can promote cooperation and avoid conflict.

10.Show your understanding when others are angry, because they only want to catch your attention. Give others enough sympathy and concern for others-they need them.

11.Talk less as much as possible and give others more opportunity to talk.

12.Make others put on their own ideas. Everyone is willing to do at his own will, don't force anyone to do anything.

13.Don't interrupt others even if he was wrong. He is not going to listen to you patiently if he can't express himself fully.

14.Try to analyze from other people's standpoint. Understanding others means to forgive everything.

15.Don't think yourself justified. You can be much smarter than others, but don't tell others. If you admit that you are wrong, all quarrels can be avoided.

16.Present some small gifts to others. Try to make others happy is to make yourself happy.

17.Stay calm when there are conflicts. Listen to others carefully and criticize yourself, then find consensus between both of you.

18.Keep smiling. The people who never smile to others are the ones who need it badly.

19.Forgive others as soon as possible whatever he did.

20.Keep your fingers crossed for everyone around you.

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