Friday 22 October 2010

Ten Kinds of the Best Most Nutritious Fruit

Keeping a healthy diet is very important to improve our life quality, so the experts on suggest that we should eat more fruits with rich nutrition.

1.Peaches-Peaches are rich in vitamins, minerals and acid, and with the highest iron among fruits, which are beneficial to our health.

2.Apricots-It contains citric acid, malic acid, β carotene that are mainly used for  treating cough and catharsis.

3.Watermelon-It is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, C, glucose, sucrose, malic acid, glutamic acid and arginine, so it is very effective to lower blood pressure and clear urine. But don't eat too much, or it will harmful for your stomach.

4.Citrus - Fresh orange juice is rich in a variety of creatine and vitamins, which can not only speed the metabolism, but also play an important role in whitening.

5.Papaya - It is not only a delicious fruit, but also very helpful to treat disorders of protein digestion. An important digestive enzymes called papain is contained in papaya, which can break down the protein foods into digestible status. That is why papaya can treat disorders of protein digestion.

6.Pineapple- Each 100 grams of pineapple contain up to 30 mg of vitamin C. And it also contain a protein enzyme that breaks down protein as same as the papaya, therefore, it can soften the flesh and resolve blood clots.

7.Strawberry-It is rich in vitamin C, B, calcium, phosphorus and potassium, so it has great effects on treating diarrhea, fever, mouth ulcers and gum and other diseases.

8.Grapes-The antioxidant effect of grape seed is not only 20 times of the vitamin C, but 50 times of vitamin E. What is more, eating grapes play an important role in anti-aging.

9.Bananas- It contains vitamin B6 that can help people get rid off depression and anti-stress mineral-magnesium.

10.Apple- It not only contains protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, malic acid, etc., but also valuable pectin. Pectin is a soluble fiber that can promote gastrointestinal motility and lower cholesterol. Moreover, it has great effect on preventing gallstones.

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