Monday 11 October 2010

Which Kinds of Fruits You Need to Eat?

It is well known that doing regular exercises can help you keep healthy, but it is also very important to know how and what to eat. There are several kinds of fruits that you need to eat to keep healthy.

1.Banana-strengthen you will. Bananas can help the sentimental people with weak will escape from pessimistic and irritable mood and make them become more calm and happy. This is mainly because that it can increase 5 - HT substances in brain that can make people keep in a good mood.

2.Strawberry-make you become more patient. Strawberry are low stem plants, so they are vulnerable to pollution in growth. You should be patient to wash them before eating. Firstly, wash under running water, then brine 5 to 10 minutes, finally soak in cold water 1 to 2 minutes. After that, you can eat the "fresh vitamin pills" with high nutrition.

3.Grapes-enhance immunity. "Not skinned, not spit seeds" is regarded as the most healthy way to eat grapes, so they are particularly suitable for "lazy" people to eat. The skin and seeds are more nutritious than the grape flesh. The reason why the red wine are more healthy than white wine is that it is fermented with the skin. Moreover, according to a French university, the grape seeds play important role in enhancing immunity and anti-aging.

4.Cherry-best fruit for women. Higher iron content contained in cherry make it become the most healthy fruit for women. U.S. researchers found that cherry play a significant role in reducing pain. What is more, rinse mouth with cherry juice can help you eliminate oral odors.

5.Pear-make you energetic. It not only contains sufficient water, but rich in vitamins a, b, c, d, e and iodine, so it can help maintain cells in a healthy state, purify organs and soften the blood vessels. Eating it slowly can help you absorb better.

6.Orange-To be often emotional will increase the risk of suffering with heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke, the medical experts from Harvard University suggested people to eat more oranges to reduce the risk of suffering with these diseases.

7.Apples-An apple every day keep a doctor away. Eat a small amount of apple every day can prevent  many diseases. Rich physiochemical contained in apple can eliminate free radicals and reduce the risk of suffering from cancer.

8.Pineapple- help digest and absorb much better. The unique enzyme contained in pineapple pulp can break down proteins, so eat a few slices of fresh pineapple after meal can help you digest and absorb much quickly.

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