Monday 18 October 2010

Something You Should Know about Choosing Diamond Necklace

If you are feeling confused about how to choose a necklace now, can share something important with you. When buying diamond necklace, you should choose according to the "4C" standard of diamond: Cut, Clarity, Color, Carat.

Cut-can be regarded as the most important standard of diamond, which have a direct impact on diamond value. The diamond can become shinning and achieve the perfect combination between the clarity and color only by through standard cut. The shape of diamond being cut is generally spherical or cone, but the section has many different shapes, square, rectangular, round, oval, and hexagonal with numerous section.

Clarity-The diamond crystallized in the magma inside the earth is often with a variety of natural imprint after through millions of years of geological changes. The size, color and the location distribution of the mark has great impact on the diamond value. Some defects such as bubbles, cracks, feather patterns and so on often exist on the surface or inside the diamond. The fewer the defects are, the much higher the level of diamond will be.

Color-Generally speaking, the colorless diamond is regarded as the most precious, the light blue and pink are very rare, the yellow is the most common color. The more colorless the diamond, the more white light can penetrate it easily, which can make it look more colorful through light refraction. Diamond are classified into different levels according to the color, first D, followed by E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M and N.

Carat-The important standard to weight the diamond. 1 carat equals 0.2 grams and it is also is divided into 100 points, for example,0.75 carat means 75 points. The diamonds with same weight have great difference on price due to the different color, clarity, and cut. For example, if a 2-carat diamond without elegant cut, fashionable shape and higher clarity will not be the ideal choice, but if a 1 / 2 carat colorless diamond with higher clarity and fashionable cut will be more popular and expensive.

In addition, you should choose your favorite necklace according to your face."V" shaped necklaces are best choice for square-shape face but not for tapered face; the long necklace will be better for round-shape face; any necklace is perfect for egg-shaped face.

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