Monday 11 October 2010

Happiness Journey Start from Heart

Someone has said: happiness always hide at the bottom of heart.

In the secular world, there are always some people who complain about boring and plain life, therefore, some people are addicted to the dissipated life .

But do you still remember what have you done when you are young?  We have lamented the toughness of life for a spring grass; felt sad about a yellow leaves in the autumn; Enjoyed a romantic stroll in rain in summer; Spent a whole night in enjoy beautiful snow scenery in cold winter days.

However, when we have to face with the cruel reality and busy life, it seems that our heart are becoming much and much smaller so that no any space left for expressing our feelings. So we no longer express good feelings for beautiful moon hanging in the night sky, and sigh for a dropping leaf. Are we really so busy? so tired? so cool?

On the hurry journey of life, why not stop occasionally to listen to the true voice from heart? Perhaps you will find that many things that you have been chasing are only the dust that can be swayed gently. In the materialistic society, many people mistake the money as the only pass to happiness, but it is not right at all. There are many priceless things that can bring us happiness such as love, friendship, family and so on, you can't get them even though you are willing to pay at higher price.

Being more friendly and kindly to strangers; more concerned and respect for the old; more gentle and understanding to your lovers, you should do like this if you want to change others around you."A little spark ,kindles a great fire"; sewing a fire seed of love in your heart, warm more people.

It is the high time that purified your heart and started happy journey, why not take actions?

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