Wednesday 20 October 2010

Ten Best Kinds of Anti-aging Foods

No woman don't want to become more young and beautiful,so every woman is willing to spend more money on buying luxury cosmetics instead of food,in fact, according to the experts on SFYH.COM,if you can pay more attention to food in daily life, you will look much younger as you like.

1.Carp-Eating carp is very helpful to strengthen skin elastic fibers because it contains a comprehensive and high quality protein. For the early wrinkles caused by pressure and the lack of sleep, it plays a special role in mitigating wrinkles.

2.Broccoli-It is rich in vitamin C and carotenoids, the vegetable food, especially the cruciferous vegetables, has been proved the best anti-aging and anti-cancer food by scientists.

3.Fish-Eating fish can help take in a lot of protein. Both green pepper and red pepper are regarded as the the most abundant food containing vitamin C, while the nuts food are rich in vitamin E.

4.Melon-It is rich in vitamin C,so it plays a good effect in moisturizing skin collagen and elastic fibers. Eating melon often can not only prevent early wrinkles, but make skin become more smooth and soft.

5.Onion-It contains cysteine which can delay cellular aging and prolong life.

6.Carrots-It is rich in B-carotene that can remove harmful free radicals. Eating 100g carrots every day can play a role in anti-aging.

7.Sweet potato- It contains the materials as similar as female hormones, which can not only keep your skin smooth but also play an important role in anti-aging.

8.Tomatoes-The glutathione contained in tomatoes can inhibit the activity of tyrosinase, so that it is conductive to hypopigmentation and anti-aging.

9.Eggplant-It can enhance the vivo activity of antioxidants and reduce free radicals so that it has been regarded as one of the best anti-aging foods.

10.Spinach-It is rich in vitamin E that can prevent body's internal oxidation.

It is really true that beauty start with food, so you should pay more attention to food for your beautiful face.

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